Children’s Services and Supports

GHS provides services and supports to children with serious emotional disturbances and developmental disabilites, and to their families. Many services are provided in the home and are designed to help the child or youth live successfully at home, in school, and in the community.

To request services call us at (810) 257-3740.

Case Management and Supports Coordination

Case Management and Supports Coordination provides case management and supports coordination services for children who are identified as having severe emotional disturbances or developmental disabilities. The children may need services from a variety of community resources and/or have medical problems that contribute to their ability to live successfully in the home or community.

GHS works with families to connect them with the practical help that they need to improve the life of the child and support the family as well. Our services are provided at home, in the community, at school and within our offices. Coordination is arranged with the family and community services as needed to provide comprehensive services to each family.

Home Based Services

Home Based Services is an intensive therapeutic process designed to keep children in the family home. Children from birth through 18 and their families are eligible to participate. The therapist, who is a master’s level clinician, provides a wide range of services to the child and family. Because the family is an integral part of the change process, a lot of therapy time is devoted to family therapy and helping parents develop parenting skills. All services are provided in the family home and in the community. In addition, child psychiatrists, registered nurses, and other consultative behavioral health providers are available to the children/adolescents and families served. Families who participate are able to use our on-call therapist in times of crisis.

Wraparound Services

Wraparound Services for children and adolescents is a highly individualized planning process performed by a bachelor’s level clinician who coordinates the planning for and delivery of community services to increase the child’s and family’s functioning. These services include mental health specialty services that are medically necessary for the child, services and supports from multiple agency partners, and the involvement of extended family and other natural supports. The Wraparound Plan is the result of collaborative team planning process that focuses on the unique strengths, values, and preferences of the child and family, and is developed in partnership with other community agencies. Wraparound utilizes a Child and Family Team, with team members determined by the family.

Child and Family Supports – MI (SED)

Child and Family Supports – MI (SED) is a multi-service program designed to meet the specialized needs of seriously emotionally disturbed (SED) children and their families. This program provides services for families who require a higher level of care than is offered through outpatient therapy and/or case management, but do not need the level of services provided by Home Based Services. Services are provided by master’s level clinicians and include in-home family therapy, family training/support, individual therapy, and case management to assess, plan, link coordinate, and monitor activities and treatment. The emphasis of the program is to empower the parents and caregivers to increase their skills to successfully manage their children with special needs in the home. In addition, child psychiatrists, registered nurses, and other consultative behavioral health providers are available to the children/adolescents and families served.

Specialty Developmental Services

Specialty Developmental Services is a case management-based, multi-service program designed to meet the specialized needs of children with developmental disabilities, and their families. These services are provided by case managers who assess, plan, link, coordinate, and monitor activities and treatment. The emphasis of the program is to empower the parents and caregivers to increase the skills required to successfully manage their children with special needs in the home. In addition, a child psychiatrist, registered nurse, masters level clinicians, and other consultative behavioral health providers are available to the children/adolescents and families served.  Developmental Disabilities Resources

Additional services for those in other programs are the Parent Support Partner program and Youth Peer Support.  Click here for more information.